Monday, September 3, 2012

DIY Jewelry Organizer.

So, needing something to help organize my jewelry, I purchase a used/old spice rack looking thing for $1.90 at a 2nd hand store. My daughter stepped on it breaking a peice as you can see below.

 So, I have a few diff options to go with, I decide to spray paint it white. I purchase 1 can of store brand spray paint for .97 at WalMart. I spray it down. Now whether I dont know how to spray paint, or the fact that it is store brand, or maybe I just put it on too thick to fast (I dont have much patience for paint drying), I find that the paint bubbles, crackles, and generally doesnt stick or look good, not to my liking at least.

So, I do the next best thing.. I use DUCT TAPE. Purchased for 3.97 again at WalMart (you'll also learn about me that I hate WalMart, but they are cheap and I am poor so I do a lot of shopping there <shrug>.

Above is the complete finished duct tapped holder. It went really slick. I was able to line up the "lines" of the duct tape with the rack and make it look nice clean and cut.

Even the corners where I had to cut and add at new angle turned out really well!

The bottom where the hooks are covered nicely too. All I did was run the duct tape up to it, used an exacto knife to make a slit, then went around the hook to put duct tape down. There were 4 hooks already and I added quite a few to it.

And here is the complete finished product! the bar across the bottom works great for holding my bracelettes. The hooks hod my rings perfectly. I am also able to have my bracelets that dont have opennings hang on the hooks as well as a couple necklaces. The "sheft" works great to hold some earrings and other items.

I also had purchased a maniquin stand that I use to hold all my other necklaces.

Just a side view :)

All in all, VERY happy with how it turned out. Total cost was 6.84 (+ tax)

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